
cotton bollworm Learn more about cotton bollworm

  • What medicine does the common crop corn, tomato, cotton bollworm appear to hit? How to treat it?

    What medicine does the common crop corn, tomato, cotton bollworm appear to hit? How to treat it?

    Corn, tomato and cotton are all common crops, and they are also prone to diseases in their growth process, resulting in crop yield reduction and even death. So what kind of medicine should you take if the cotton bollworm appears? How to treat it? What is a cotton bollworm? How to identify it? 1. Cotton

    2020-11-09 Common crops corn tomatoes cotton cotton bollworm appear
  • The latest course of Control techniques and methods of Helicoverpa armigera

    The latest course of Control techniques and methods of Helicoverpa armigera

    Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) is a major pest in cotton bud and boll stage. it is a species of Helicoverpa armigera belonging to the family Lepidoptera, which is widely distributed in China and all over the world. Cotton areas in China and vegetable growing areas have suffered more seriously in the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins.

    2020-11-10 The latest cotton bollworm control technology methods tutorials
  • Control techniques of Helicoverpa armigera

    Control techniques of Helicoverpa armigera

    Control techniques of Helicoverpa armigera

  • Common crop corn, tomato, cotton bollworm appear what medicine to hit? How?

    Common crop corn, tomato, cotton bollworm appear what medicine to hit? How?

    Corn, tomato and cotton are common crops, which are also prone to diseases during their growth, resulting in crop yield reduction and even death. So what's the poison if cotton bollworms show up? How? What is cotton bollworm? How to identify? 1. Cotton bollworm belongs to Lepidoptera and Noctuidae. It damages many crops

  • How many generations of Helicoverpa armigera occur in a year? How to prevent and cure? What kind of potion do you use?

    How many generations of Helicoverpa armigera occur in a year? How to prevent and cure? What kind of potion do you use?

    Helicoverpa armigera, Lepidoptera and Noctuidae are widely distributed in China and around the world, and occur in cotton and vegetable growing areas in China. Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) is an important boring pest in cotton bud and boll stage, which mainly eats buds, flowers, bolls and tender leaves. The cotton bollworm happens in a year.

    2020-11-09 Cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera one year several generations
  • Management method of winter ploughing in cotton field to eliminate overwintering cotton bollworm

    Management method of winter ploughing in cotton field to eliminate overwintering cotton bollworm

    Management method of winter ploughing in cotton field to eliminate overwintering cotton bollworm

  • Which parts should be paid attention to when administering cotton medicine?

    Which parts should be paid attention to when administering cotton medicine?

    Practice has proved that management is the key to high yield of cotton. Spraying is an important link in the growth and management of cotton. Cotton pests often occur: aphids, red spiders, blind Toona sinensis, red bollworm, cotton bollworm, gold steel drill and so on. The spawning and harmful parts of these pests are different, so attention must be paid to the parts when administering medicine. Cotton seedling stage, aphids, red spiders and other harm on the back of cotton leaves, spraying pesticides, the potion should be sprayed on the back of the leaves. In the middle and later stage of cotton, red bollworm lays eggs on the back of tender tip, tender stem and tender leaf, and sets bolls.

  • Chrysanthemum planting technique: how to control cotton bollworm by planting chrysanthemum?

    Chrysanthemum planting technique: how to control cotton bollworm by planting chrysanthemum?

    How to control cotton bollworm by planting chrysanthemum? Please introduce chrysanthemum cotton bollworm: harm chrysanthemum young leaves, shoots, grow up into the tender buds, flowers harm, serious can be a large number of damage to buds, resulting in unable to blossom or form residual flowers. Control method: use Jiaduo frequency vibrating insecticidal lamp to kill adults and reduce fields.

  • What are the main cotton diseases and insect pests in summer and autumn?

    What are the main cotton diseases and insect pests in summer and autumn?

    What are the main cotton diseases and insect pests in summer and autumn? Please introduce the main cotton diseases and insect pests and their control methods in summer and autumn: first, the occurrence trend of diseases and insect pests (1) Cotton blind bugs: it is expected to occur in the middle of the flowering and boll period, and the peak period of occurrence is from late August to early September.

  • Don't relax in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage.

    Don't relax in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage.

    In recent years, the proportion of transgenic Bt insect-resistant cotton accounts for more than 95% of the total cotton planting area in our province. The popularization of insect-resistant cotton has played a strong role in controlling the occurrence and damage of cotton bollworm in cotton field, but some diseases and pests should be prevented and controlled. from the point of view of this year, cotton boll period is a period of interweaving of many kinds of diseases and pests.

  • What medicine does leguminous plant peanut seedling stage, full bloom stage, yellow leaf, cotton bollworm hit? How can we produce high yields?

    What medicine does leguminous plant peanut seedling stage, full bloom stage, yellow leaf, cotton bollworm hit? How can we produce high yields?

    Peanuts (bilobs) generally refer to peanuts (legumes) annual herbs. The pods are swollen and thick, and the flowering and fruiting period is from June to August. So what kind of medicine does it play at seedling stage, full flowering stage, yellow leaves and cotton bollworm? How can we produce high yields? Peanut seedling stage and full flowering stage

    2020-11-09 Legumes plants peanuts seedling flowering yellow leaves cotton bollworm
  • What medicine does leguminous plant peanut seedling stage, full bloom stage, yellow leaf, cotton bollworm hit? How can we produce high yields?

    What medicine does leguminous plant peanut seedling stage, full bloom stage, yellow leaf, cotton bollworm hit? How can we produce high yields?

    Peanuts (bilobs) generally refer to peanuts (legumes) annual herbs. The pods are swollen and thick, and the flowering and fruiting period is from June to August. So what kind of medicine does it play at seedling stage, full flowering stage, yellow leaves and cotton bollworm? How can we produce high yields? What kind of medicine are used in peanut seedling stage, full flowering stage, yellow leaf and cotton bollworm?

  • Cotton planting technology: how to control diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage?

    Cotton planting technology: how to control diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage?

    How to prevent and control diseases and insect pests in cotton flower and boll stage? Please guide the cotton flower and boll stage to refer to the following methods to control diseases and insect pests: first, heavy occurrence and many kinds of cotton diseases and insect pests are predicted and analyzed. This year, cotton diseases and insect pests will occur moderately and heavily in some areas. In particular, many kinds of diseases and insect pests will be intertwined into pests during the flower and boll period.

  • How much is the cotton seed per jin? What are the high-yielding varieties? How do you plant it?

    How much is the cotton seed per jin? What are the high-yielding varieties? How do you plant it?

    Cotton, the seed fiber of Malvaceae, is one of the most important crops in the world with high yield and low production cost. So how much is its seed per jin? What are the high-yielding varieties? How do you plant it? It is reported that hybrid cotton and conventional cotton seeds fell compared with the same period last year.

  • Control of the third Generation Helicoverpa armigera in growing Cotton

    Control of the third Generation Helicoverpa armigera in growing Cotton

    First, artificial collection of eggs to kill insects. Since most of the third generation cotton bollworms are in the flowers and bolls of insect-resistant cotton, for insect-resistant cotton fields, abortive flowers should be removed in time and pests should be killed artificially. Other cotton fields can be combined with pruning and forking to collect eggs and kill insects and take the remaining branches and leaves out of the field.

    2020-11-08 Species cotton third generation cotton bollworm control one artificial
  • Make a good job of planting cotton this winter and next year

    Make a good job of planting cotton this winter and next year

    Many cotton farmers do not pay attention to the winter management of cotton fields and are accustomed to spring ploughing and spring irrigation before spring sowing. In fact, "planting cotton well in winter, planting cotton well in the coming year, watering good land in winter, planting cotton effortlessly, ploughing in winter and irrigation in winter, resulting in a high yield of insects and less cotton" has become an important experience in cotton production. For this reason, cotton farmers should do the following work well in winter: deep ploughing of cotton fields in winter can not only dig out part of the raw soil and bury surface weeds and crop residues in the ground, but also improve the ability of storing rain and snow after loose soil. through winter

  • New cotton varieties examined by the State in 2006

    New cotton varieties examined by the State in 2006

    Xiangzamian 11 was jointly cultivated by Hunan Cotton Science Research Institute (No. 15, Qiaonan Yuxia Avenue, Changde City, Hunan Province, postcode: 415101) and Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Characteristics: it is a transgenic insect-resistant hybrid variety with a growth period of 126 days in spring sowing in the Yangtze River Basin. Plant tower type, plant height 113.1cm, stalk stout, more hairy, leaves medium size, dark green, fruit branches at the beginning of 6.6 nodes, bolls per plant 2

  • How to mix insecticides and pesticides to increase efficacy

    How to mix insecticides and pesticides to increase efficacy

    With the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure and the rapid development of vegetable production, the planting area of cabbage in cruciferous crops is expanding year by year, which provides abundant food for Plutella xylostella and Pieris rapae. In addition, the generation cycle of Plutella xylostella and Pieris rapae is short. The characteristic of large number of eggs makes it a cruciferous family in our county.

  • What are the latest high-yielding cotton varieties?

    What are the latest high-yielding cotton varieties?

    Cotton is a cotton plant of Malvaceae, which is native to the subtropics and has been widely cultivated in various cotton producing areas in China. The existing cultivated varieties include Si Zi cotton, de Zi cotton, Dai cotton, Ke cotton and so on. The main commercial cotton bases are Jianghuai Plain, Jianghan Plain, Southern Xinjiang Cotton area,

    2020-11-10 The latest high yield cotton varieties which is brocade sunflower family
  • Spraying fertilizer on cotton is good for increasing yield and less diseases and insect pests.

    Spraying fertilizer on cotton is good for increasing yield and less diseases and insect pests.

    Spraying nitrogen fertilizer: urea can destroy the chitin of insects. When cotton aphids (especially aphids) occur, the mixture of urea, washing powder and water in the proportion of 4 ∶ 1 ∶ 400 is sprayed, which has obvious killing effect. Spraying phosphate fertilizer: during the occurrence period of adult cotton bollworm, 1%-2% superphosphate leaching solution as foliar fertilizer can turn oxalic acid into calcium oxalate and lose its attraction to cotton bollworm. The duration of each phosphorus spray is generally 2-3 days. Spraying potash: 10kg of plant ash, 50kg of water, soaking
